Project Earth


The main goal for our SchoolBotanical Gardenis to have clasroom around the school where our students can learn every day, every minute how to live with nature and for nature.

Our school is surounded with4 hectaresarea. Since 1976, when the new primary school was built, many generation of students and their teachers have spent their time to make our garden one of the most beatiful school green places in Croatia.

During the time spent in school, students learn how to grow their own plants,  protect them, how to use garden waste, how to use product from the garden and how to become environmentally oriented.

We will introduce you our garden and activities related to it…

            The main parts of the school garden are:

–          Southern garden with indigenous and exotic trees, shrubs, perennials and flowering plants. Also, there is agrumic, with almost all types of citrus fruit that can thrive in the protected areas of the Croatian coast. Rocky area with succulents is located in the heart of Southern garden. There is also Bamboo garden with species as gold, green, black and low-bamboo. Throughout the garden there is a rich collection with 14 varieties of oleanders. Student coorporation „Maslina“ makes eco-products using fruit from our garden, it produces orange and quince marmelade and carob, jujube and quince liquer.

–          Northern garden is the area located in the north of the school building and, because of the school hall, sports fields and lawns, it is partly used for sports and recreational purposes.

–          School olive orchard contains 42 varieties from all the Mediterranean countries (170 trees).  However, students cooperation is responsible for olive orchard maintenence, it  organizes students and teachers to pick olives and process them. The olive oil is sold and these resources are used for the needs of cooperative.  Our products are represented on many eco fairs along the Croatian coast.

–          Near olive orchard there is a composter where we hold off the garden waste.

During this year student of 5th and 7th grade organized the action „Bottle-Book“ where they collected plastic bottle, sold them and helped out to by new books for our school library.

Many lessons are carried out in school garden:

–          Biology, during which students learn about plants directly in the nature

–          Art education, during which students make items from nature materials found in garden

–          Life lesson, the most important lesson is how to live ecologically.

Many events take place in the school garden:

–          Eco-quiz: „Walk and learn“, during which students show what they know about plants and nature

      –     Easter Egg Hunt

–          Celebrations of the Day of bread and fruit, Day of the Earth and World Apple Day…

Many of our former students have memorized the most valuable moments in their lives in the school garden of  memories…

Some of croatian films have also been recorded in the garden…

School has collaboration with many eco-kindergarden, school and university groups from Croatia which are visiting and learning in garden. Also, during the year lots of tourist from Croatia and abroad are visiting the garden in consultation with the school.

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